What We Offer

Forestry Services

Woods and Wildlife forestry is a privately owned consultant forestry business in Dauphin Pennsylvania. It is unique because Woods & Wildlife specializes in selective timber management with the hunter and wildlife in mind. Each job is clearly outlined before the work is started. This ensures both our foresters, and you as the landowner are on the same page.

Timber Management

We work with the landowner to gain any necessary road permits, mark the boundary lines clearly, and ensure the timber goals are met during our timber marking phase. Marking both up and down hillside.

Wildlife Management

As avid hunters we understand you may have acquired your land for hunting reasons. Our speciality is ensuring we are providing the best habitat for your wildlife while doing what’s best for your forest.

Tree Assessment

We work with landowners to ensure they are properly caring for their timber and create the best habitat for reforestation. We will walk the property with the landowner to ensure we work well together.